Dates: 14th & 15th October 2006
Tutor: Ravin ‘Raz’Jayasuriya
Course Background:
Raz was invited by Jude Kirk on Pensamba to present a weekend workshop for 32 people. This mixed abilities group consisted of participants from local Samba groups.
Tutor Summary:
Three grooves were presented, Maracatu, a fusion groove for the Orixa Oya and another for the Orixas Oxum and Oxala. The latter was dedicated to a member of the group that had recently passed away and playing and singing in her memory was a particular poignant moment during the weekend.
Although the participants were all from the surrounding area, many had not met up with each other before so this workshop provided a great chance for local people to meet up and network. The group connected very quickly and supported each other extremely well that allowed so much material to be covered.
Each instrumental section had players with experience right through to near beginners. The material was adapted and lines simplified so that those with little experience could confidently contribute to the overall music. The more experience ones had more complex patterns to play. Participants were encouraged to try a different instrument on each piece and many took the opportunity to learn a new instrument.
Rhythms: Maracatu, Ayiloda (for Oya), Groove for Oxum and Oxala
Instruments: Surdos, Repiniques, Snares, Tamborims, Timbas, Agogos, Shakers
Techniques: Revision on basic techniques for Bateria instruments
Participant Reviews:
“Raz’s teaching style and gift for enabling players of all levels to move on and learn is brilliant, combining drum styles, technical tuition, songs and rhythmic games. His workshop was everything I knew it would be: encouraging, technically brilliant, relaxing, challenging, enabling and fun!!
“Raz has inspired people to reach new heights in their playing ability and in themselves. He is a great role model for any teacher / leader – his calm and relaxed style helps bring out the best in people”. Jude Kirk, event organiser
I learned a lot, gained confidence in myself and was inspired. Enjoyed the whole weekend – please come again! Sally Tremethick
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