Dates: 14th – 16th July 2006
Venue: Rhythms of the World Festival
Course Background:
The ẸDÙN ARÁ – Bloco de Carnval project presents uplifting new percussion music and dance, mixing elements from Brazilian and Cuban rhythms. Grooves are funky, colourful & melodic and played on Surdos, Repiniques, Snares, Tamborims, Bells, Shakers & Timbas. They combine syncopated Surdo lines, 2 or 3 different Snare patterns played simultaneously with breaks & phrasing for Repiniques, Tamborms & Timbas. We work on a number of different pieces of music; each has a theme (or themes) reflecting the common roots found in Afrobrazilian and Afrocuban music.
Dancers learn choreography which fits exactly with music presented by the drummers, combining traditional and contemporary movements.
This project is open to all Samba and Community percussion groups and also to individuals who love to learn exciting original arrangements. As well as learning rhythms, people work on dynamics and playing techniques to increase their awareness of interplay between the instruments.
Tutor Summary (Ravin ‘Raz’ Jayasuriya/Percussion):
There were separate drumming and dance rehearsals with a couple of combined sessions over the weekend. Study sessions were structured to give participants plenty of free time to enjoy the wonderful ROTW festival. Drummers and dancers worked hard to parade the project on Sunday afternoon.
The parade lasted about two hours and there were lots of smiles all round from the observing public, ROTW representatives, as well as from all those parading. The parade route went right round the centre of Hitchin so thousands of people were able to see the spectacle.
Thank you to all the drummers and to Marcia and her dancers for making the music come alive.
Tutor Summary (Marcia Magliari/Dance):
Congratulations to everybody who played and danced to Raz’s vibrants grooves! We definitely brought the contagious energy of the Brazilian Carnival to the Rhythms of the World festival: music, dance, colour, all together as ONE.
Thank you to all the musicians, especially to the maestro Raz for the solid beats that moved us graciously forwards defying the heat.
Thank you to my 7 OXUMS, for all the hard work and beautiful smiles, without you my choreography would be lifeless.
Thank you Susanne, for all your support and great energy.
You all made a dream come true! It could not have been better or more harmonious from the beginning to the end.
Study Overview:
Rhythms: Groove for Ochun
Instruments: Surdos, Repiniques, Snares, Timbas, Tamborims, Agogo bells, Chocalho
Dance: Choreography for the Goddess Oxum
Click here to read an overview on the ẸDÙN ARÁ – bloco de carnaval project
Click here to read participants’ comments
From 2008
From 2007
From 2006
Edun Ara – bloco de carnaval 2008
Edun Ara – bloco de carnaval 2007
Edun Ara – bloco de carnaval 2006
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