Review: Summer Holiday Programme 2006

Hosted by: the Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living
Dates: Friday 4th August 2006

The Letchworth Consortium of Extended Schools has initiated a summer school – ‘Xpression’ – for up to 25 young people aged 11 – 19 as part of the North Hertfordshire Summer Youthoria programme of activities.

The day, on Friday 4th August 2006, will comprise 4 successive classes in dance (salsa), drama, self-defence and drumming – to take place between 9.30am and 4.30pm at the Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living.

The aim of the programme is to provide a series of fun, interesting classes that teach skills including relaxation, stress management, improvde concentration and self-confidence
Raz teaching a Samba Reggae
Tutor summary:
As this was just a one hour session and part of a day filled with
other activities I felt it was best to get the group playing something together quite quickly. So I began with a brief demonstration of how the instruments are played, their function in an ensemble and a bit of background on Brazilian culture.

In a short time the group got to grips with a basic rhythm so I was able to an intro section, a couple of breaks and an unison figure to end. The session went very well, the children really felt they’d learnt something and had a lot of fun.

Study Overview:

Rhythms: Samba Reggae
Instruments: Surdos, Repiniques, Snares, Ganzas, Tamborims, Agogo Bells

Participants’ Comments:
The drumming provided a fantastic, uplifting finish to a very full and active day for the students – the smiles on their faces at the end were evidence of its popularity.

Feedback from the youth workers suggested that drumming provided a powerful tool for releasing some ‘pent-up’ emotions of the students. They commented that anger is becoming an increasing problem with young people in this age group (early teens).

We are aiming to develop relations wider with other Education Consortium groups (in addition to this link with Letchworth) – and drumming would be a great session to continue to include. (we may consider putting drumming earlier in the programme as it is a great ice-breaker?)

All in all, an extremely successful day and the organizers are very pleased with it! Once again, thank you for your help and valuable input. Maureen Cahttle, Organiser

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