Benslow Music Trust
From classical to jazz and pop – the whole musical spectrum is on offer at Benslow, with an all year programme of day and residential music courses and music summer schools. In a friendly and supportive atmosphere all adults can enjoy inspiring tuition from professional musicians with a choice from 140 music courses every year.
Bombo Productions
Bombo is a collective of musicians, dancers, storytellers & educators brought together by their knowledge & passion for Afro-Cuban traditions.
We provide opportunities for people to experience Afro-Cuban music by providing regular & one off special events.
Vamanos, acknowledged to be one of the best samba bands in the South-West, provide dynamic, powerful and exciting performances of samba, samba-reggae, Afrocuban 6/8 and Maracatu, plus a unique fusion of Brazilian samba and Cuban bata.
Based in Manchester, Timbacats are a group of women who play Brazilian-style drumming. The group welcomes beginners and experienced women drummers.
Charanga de Norte
CHARANGA DEL NORTE are a spirited, energetic UK-based Charanga band. The group is led by the flute (Sue Miller) and violins with the line-up completed with vocals, electric bass, piano, cello, timbales, congas and güiro.
UK Samba Association (UKSA)
A great source of information on a wide range of areas of interest related to the UK samba scene. Encouraging to form and offereing assistance in developing groups, supporting educational needs, funding guidance, an events calendar and much more
JP Percussion
Toque Tambor are Hitchin’s leading exponents of Brazilian music. Formed in 2002, the group rehearse weekly and run induction courses each year.
Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living
The largest provider of complementary education and treatment in East Anglia. Our Stressbusters classes and workshops attract nearly 1000 students each term.
Meninos do Morumbi Oldham
Are you between 7 and 25 years old? Do you enjoy drumming or dancing? Would you like to learn? We offer FREE sessions in Brazilian percussion, dance and capoeira for young people and have a wide program of activities in which you can participate.
Personal website of Musician and Writer Daniela Rosselson. Appealing to anyone interested in Cuban music and the UK Salsa Music and Dance scene. Historical & workshop information, musical and cultural links….
Maurizio Ravalico
Multi-talented percussionist and established sesion musician who’s work covers a wide range of innovative, artistic expression.
maSamba from Dublin, Ireland have around twenty-five active members from a variety of cultural and artistic backgrounds, with many that are experienced performers and musicians.
Sambando from Leicetsershire was conceived in 1998 as a community arts project. They run workshops and present performances and parades.
Arco Iris
Are a community samba band based in Cambridge in the UK, dedicated to bringing the carnival sounds of Brazil to the local community, and beyond!
Samba in the UK
There are now more than 200 groups playing samba and and/or other forms of percussion music in the UK. This is the place to find one near you.
World Wide Samba Home page
This is the best place to start looking for an overview of Samba organisations around the world. Also provides an international registry of samba related groups.
Bloco Vomit
Samba meets Punk in Edinburgh.
On the debut CD, Davide Giovannini (Drum set) & Maurizio Ravalico (percussion) present their own arrangements of traditional Afro-Cuban music.
Afro-Cuba web
This is a great place to start finding out more about where this music comes from & where you can hear it.
Brazil Online – Music
Interviews and sound clips from various Brazilian musicians as well as articles on the history of samba.
The Brazilian Sound
This site exists mainly to promote the excellent book “The Brazilian Sound: Samba, Bossa Nova and the Popular Music of Brazil” by Chris McGowan. It also has some interesting interviews and discographies.
Bahia Online
If you can’t actually get to Bahia you could always memorise this web site and pretend you had already been. Contains particularly good list of Salvador based bands
All Music Guide
This can be particularly useful for finding how who has done what – not just in samba but any type of music
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