Testimonial from Tarik Anegay

I always considered that the main purpose of teaching is not about the material you get across but the way it is transmitted. A good tutor should not only be somebody who´s got a deep knowledge of what he teaches but also, or perhaps most of all, communicate to his students all his passion and enthusiasm on the subject.

And this is precisely where Ravin Jayasuriya is a real master. I will not only remember him as a powerful percussionist with a superb sound, but most of all as a great “ door opener “.

I myself joined the “ roots of Cuba “ group 2 in April 2002 expecting it to be just another workshop. But I had no idea on that time, that this was going to be an unique experience, that would have a huge impact on my life over the years to come.

The course was divided into six modules and took place in this superb venue at Whaley Bridge in Derbyshire. My fellow students and myself really enjoyed meeting up again for every single module and that for two reasons. On the one hand we knew that what we were going to be taught would be from the highest quality.

On the other hand we would really enjoy the amazing atmosphere on the five days we would spend together, primarily thanks to Ravin Jayasuriya´s very special ability of finding the finest balance possible between providing us with the proper guidance and letting us time and space for finding our own way with what we had learned.

Since completing the course I have gone my own way (musical trip to Cuba, member of an afro-cuban drumming band, director of an afro-cuban choir…) but I always look back on this “O.V.M.” experience as a very precious stepping-stone on my own musical journey and I remain deeply thankful to Ravin Jayasuriya for his excellent teaching.
Tarik Anegay, Freiburg, Germany

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