Raz has got that rare combination of gifts of a great teacher – the ability to offer great knowledge, ability to translate it into something (mostly) non-musicians can grasp, patience and perseverance. Dave, from Sambando, Leicester
I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend workshop with Raz. I thought his quiet professional teaching style was lovely. He made me feel we were all the same, gave me confidence in myself and a feeling that I could ‘do’ it. Sambadoc member, Pembroke
This weekend workshop has given me a great chance to get to know some new folk, and spend time with ‘old’ friends. As usual, I am in awe of Raz’s teaching – what a gem. More please. Rosie, from Sambando, Leicester
I had a fantastic time on the weekend workshop and we all learned so much. What a wonderful teacher Raz is – he is so patient and keeps things simple enough to make positive progress. I think we all felt we had achieved an incredible amount in the two days and are now working hard and building on our new pieces. Sambadoc member, Pembroke
It was hard to return to work today with so many rhythms in my head! Carol, from Sambando, Leicester
I was very impressed with Raz’s teaching skills, particularly his attention to detail with each group. I felt he spent enough time with each individual section. Also, his manner was very pleasant and it felt very relaxed – despite learning some new and more complex rhythms he made it seem quite easy somehow. Sambadoc member, Pembroke
Thanks again for the amazing samba reggae workshop, had such a fantastic time. Kat, Derby
It’s still early days for me in the drum playing stakes so I’m really glad that I came to your workshops. They’ve definitely started me out on the right foot. You are a very good teacher: methodical and perceptive with a nice manner, going at the right pace and teaching good material. (You can quote me on that!). Thanks very much. Kasha, Oxford
Just wanted to thank you for a great time – we all really enjoyed the music and your gentle, encouraging teaching (I hope I learnt from that too). Amanda, Penzance
We all enjoy Raz’s workshops very much. He is thoroughly professional and has a style of teaching that puts everyone at ease. We have enjoyed his repertoire and on our last course he recommended Bocau to teach dance-he was a superb teacher too. Mary, Guernsey
I have always enjoyed these rhythms, but now I believe that you & Bocao have shown us the real heart of the matter, what the rhythms represent. Thinking about this whilst I was playing, celebrating freedom and watching the dancers, really boosted my energy and I was extremely moved. Gary, Guernsey
I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and learnt new rhythms, sounds & techniques. I enjoyed the concentrated learning experience and would have liked longer. Paula New, Isle of Wight
Tutor has a very good delivery manner, calm, clear & precise. I believe a similar course should be provided and promoted by every Samba Group to all members. Invaluable. Lettie Martino, Ipswich
The tuition was excellent. Ravin understood everyone’s level & lack of experience so was able to impart information in an appropriate manner and at a suitable pace. Consequently I learned a lot & felt like I’d made real progress. Ravin was patient & very encouraging, an excellent workshop. Ruth Blackford, Surrey
Ravin has identified stick technique as one of the big problem areas for samba drummers and he is quite right to focus on this basic method of learning to let the stick do the work. Snare drum and Repinique players get yourselves on to one of these great one day courses. Chris Franklin, London
Excellent teaching, outstanding depth of knowledge of subject. Ravin is a patient and thorough teacher/leader and exceptionally good. Enjoyed the course very much – a gentle but tough approach. Carol Scorer, Forres
A superb course. Ravin is a patient, compassionate, informative & exciting teacher. Seemingly effortless learning in a relaxed atmosphere. Jane Holman, Castle Douglas
I really enjoyed the workshop- it now seems a long time ago. The best parts for me were that Raz managed to get a random group of people of all ages to come together and to make something out of it in one day. I liked the history of samba that he talked about and the chance to find out more about the differing instruments. I am struggling to think of anything I did not like about the day.
Martin, Derby
I loved Ravin’s gentle encouragement & energy that got all of us playing his amazing music. The lst piece we played on Saturday night I shall never forget. Thank you. Christine Filer, Kippford
I enjoy the way Raz teaches; he is always encouraging and very approachable. Helen Smith, Strathblane
“Thanks for a superb workshop, the band have been transformed!” Paul, Devon
“Great atmosphere, great fun, great teacher & great people”
Kim, Essex
“The course was totally fantastic. It has changed my life.”
Hannah, London
“Learned so much & how much more I want to do. Thanks – it’s been fantastic, helped me beyond all expectations. This is only the start!” Carol, London
“Quality instruction for a variety of levels of ability & confidence” Sambando Leicester
“Everything about the course was absolutely wonderful. A striking feature was that people of widely different experience were taught together and apparantly fulfilled. I began 5 months ago, others had over 10 years experience”. Malcolm, Glasgow
“I’ve had a fantastic weekend. I am extremely impressed by the level and style of the tuition. The friendliness and enthusiasm of all the teachers and participants made for a highly enjoyable weekend.” Darroch, Cambs
“It has been brilliant – the performance [at the end of the course] was an experience I wouldn’t have missed for the world.” Vik, London
“Ravin is simply an excellent teacher.” Giovanna, London
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